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All in all, there really is no winning, the point is to get drunk. Just screen share the whole time and get playing. Some cards will make you play minigames, force rules upon players or single-handedly call players out. The flipper’s name will be highlighted in blue on the left side and will give them a prompt to either do or read aloud. The game is easy as hell, simply type in all of the player’s names, and begin “flipping” the online cards. For those much-needed Zoom Happy Hours, Drunken Pirate is the best, free online drinking game for Zoom ever.

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If you’re looking to just get some exercise in and want to do it in the comfort of your own home, Ring Fit Adventure is the perfect solution. The workouts are tailor-made to your age, athleticism (or in my case, the lack thereof), and desired intensity level. I’m actually surprised at how effective it was. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have any doubts. For a home solution though, I think RFA is great. RFA isn’t going to replace crossfit, indoor cycling, power lifting, or any other regimented program. Serious athletes may look at this and think it’s just a toy or a joke.

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